

It was here, as in many parts of the country, an absolutely perfect weekend, and we filled it with all sorts of autumnal activities. This is the season we most missed while in Hong Kong, and so we are determined to soak it all in. From flying kites (the frustrationless flyer) to picking heirloom apples (with plans for pressing some of them into cider), from discovering buckeyes and gathering inspiration at a barn sale to making tomato jam (yes!) and starting work on a little one's birthday presents, it was just lovely. There was even a bit of seasonal decorating thrown in as well, which is a little funny since we have nothing on our walls yet. But there are seasonal banners, oh yes there are! Hope you had a lovely one too.

1 comment:

Liese said...

Here too. Our son Richard has been here for three weeks. Sunday we were at the NOrford Pond in perfect weather, Richard's lovely, beautiful Red Lored Amazon parrot sitting on his shoulder as we rowed about, photographing a turtle sunning itself on a log as well as Ken's success with catching three fish. Joy! The colors were fabulous.
Thanks for sharing.